Thursday 16 October 2014


Earlier this week we had a lecture concerning agencies and how they work. I discovered that agencies can work in two different ways, the first is a graphic design agency. They work by employing designers to work for them. If the agency works with illustrators then it is more likely to try and represent them and their style but sometimes they work in the house style. In the case of using their one style then the illustrator is probably freelance and being represented by an agency. This can be a very good thing for an illustrator as it is a bit of extra work and promotion. 

Last week we also went on a trip to Newcastle, the city is fairly local and a good place for artists. When we were there our course thought it would be a good idea to visit some actual agencies. The first one we went to see was El Roboto. They do a lot of print work and graphic design. I didn’t get much of a chance to talk with the designers but it was still an interesting trip. It was good to see what an agency looks like and get idea of how it works. The second agency we visited was Dirty Hands Co. agency it was good to have a look round but this time we received a talk from the designers. They told us about how they work in the industry and how they handled jobs. They get all sorts of different work from designing the interia of bars to small illustrations. They mentioned how they have to work on a tight time table. For some jobs they only have a couple of hours to complete the final result. This was interesting but I think I would panic in that situation. I found the trip to be an eye opener to how agencies function.
Example of work from El Roboto

Example of work by Dirty Hands Co.

I think agencies are very interesting places but have a very intense work load. I’m not sure if I would want to work in an agency in the future. It would be a good experience but probably stressful. I find some other agencies to be very interesting however.  Nobrow is one of the best agencies for illustrators because it represents their styles. The illustrators there are allowed to do their own thing, which shows a wide range of creativity.  Nobrow has gained a huge amount of followers due to its fun and different way of working. 

Links to look at 

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