Monday 17 November 2014

Digital manipulation/ Digital experiments 8. Photoshop Effects

I want to look at the different effects which can be achieved using Photoshop.


The first technique I want to talk about is called blur. The specific type of blur is called “Gaussien blur” and is good for making people or objects look distant. To get this effect go to “Filter” on the top tool bar and then “Blur”. Under the list of different options you will find Gaussien blur. Once you select it then a menu will open. The menu will give you a small preview of your work and an adjustment slider. When you are happy then click OK. It's fairly simple and can achieve some good effects.

A view of the gaussien blur window

The original and blued images


Liquefy is a really interesting thing to do in Photoshop. It allows you to distort an image as if it appears like a liquid. Its really good for detailed digital painting, it means you can adjust the scale of something without re painting it. To find the option go to “Filter” and then “Liquefy”. When you select it then a new window will open with the contents of your selected layer. In the window you have a smudge option and a couple of other things. The two symbols of circle with arrows on are probably the most useful. They allow you to stretch and squish your image. This is good for minor adjustments. Don’t use it too much though because it can ruin your image. Once your happy just click OK, if you don’t like it then just undo it. 

A look at the Liquefy menu

The one on the left has been distorted in Liquefy


In the bottom right hand corner of Photoshop there will be a small window where your layers are. Above there will be a small box which says normal. If you play around with the different options in that drop menu you can get some very interesting effects. You will need a texture on another layer for this but it’s well worth playing around with. Below are some examples of what I found.
I got this effect by selecting the "Hard Light" option

This one is the is the "Divide" option

I used "Soft Light" for this effect

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