Monday 1 December 2014

The Book of Drawings. Animal research/ Dipper and Grey Heron

The Dipper or Cinclus Cinclus is a bird which can be found in Scotland, Wales and some parts of England. They are not hugely associated with ponds but their lives are still closely linked with water. They live beside fast flowing streams and rivers. The Dipper hunts for small aquatic insect’s which it can only find on the river bed. To catch its food the dipper must swim in often turbulent waters, despite this the bird seems fairly adept at it. 

Dipper or Cinclus Cinclus

The final animal I wish to look at is also the largest on the list. The Grey Heron or Ardea Cinerea can reach a height of 90cm and is one of the larger birds in the British isles. They feed on just about everything but like to wade in still water for small aquatic animals. The slowly walk around in the water looking for a target, a Heron can strike at lightening speed and it's thin beak is perfect for catching water life. They are well known for their giant nests which can grow over 2m across. 

Grey Heron or Ardea Cinerea

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