Tuesday 3 February 2015

Narrative Illustration Artist research. Maurice noble

Another artist who’s work helped to define the mid-century was Maurice Noble. The work of Noble is particularly interesting for its varying level of detail. Some examples of his work are incredibly intricate whiles otters are very simple and angular. His work is often recognised as he was a back drop designer for animated cartoons for Warner Bros. 

Image one shows some of the environmental work by Noble. The image is well constructed using geometric angels to make a natural scene. The lighting is interesting in this painting, the cast shadows are depicted with large blocks of dark flat colour. This is very effective as it makes the scene seam mush larger and imposing.

Image two shows a mush les realistic piece compared to the last example. This piece is particularly geometric and has a strange composition as the image seem extremely flat. This is clearly a stylistic chose as I think this piece was used for an animated cartoon. The colours are vibrant but not over powering like some other illustrations from this period. Alto the image is fairly simple it has an appealing chose of lighting, this seems to add a lot more interest to the piece. 

Image three really stands out from the rest because of its strong contrasts. The texture work in this illustration is simple but effective as it gives the stone slabs much more personality. The illustration show some water bleed in serton arise, this leads to the idea that this we a quickly produced image. It’s also unseal to see such dark arias in this style of painting. Dark shadows seem to be a trait of Nobles style but they do seem to b highly effective in creating an interesting image. 

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