Tuesday 17 March 2015

Narrative Illustration Development. Character designs for Earth worm, Silk worm and Glow worm

It's now time to design all the “worms”.  Starting with sketches of Earth Worm I tried to construct the character. Being an Earth Worm I didn’t find much to play with, there is simply not much to this animal. The character is blind and the obvious designs would be to give him blocked out glasses. This was something I wanted to avoid as I have seen it in other interpretations of this character. Instead I wanted to give the character some form of hat. I tried designing a sock to use as a hat so it could fit on his tube shaped body. This looked kind of funny and so I stuck with my other designs. In another early drawing I drew Earth Worm riding a skateboard. This was another jockey drawing but I actually thought it worked. I went on with developing Earth Worm but that first design seemed to be the best. The final design isn’t much different but I’m happy with its look.
Glow worm was the next character on my list. As I discovered in my research, Glow Worms are actually beetles and the females have no wings. When I drew my first sketches I was trying to keep the segmented look of the Glow Worm’s carapace. I think this is a really distinct look and I wanted it in the designs. She was a lot like ladybird in the sense of her design. I found her easy to draw and had a good idea for what I wanted the final deign to look like. One of the features added was a clearly visible light bulb in her tail light. I also added a big bushy ribbon to her back as I thought it would add a little extra to the design.
Lastly I began work on Silk Worm. she is probably the simplest of my characters as I basically made a Silkworm look cute. Despite the simplicity I think she fits with the other characters really well. I’m not too bothered about the design being simple as this character is in the story the least. I started with some quick pen drawings and soon found a look I liked. Moved on to drawing out a final design which I think works well. final designs are shown below.

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