Friday 8 May 2015

Narrative Illustration/ showcase of Final illustrations and thoughts

I can now talk about my final drawings and how I feel about them. I’ve tried to keep them all looking as similar as I could. I also wanted to play with some wonky perspectives and composition. 

Illustration one – House on the Hill

The first Illustration I attempted was Illustration one. It had quite a simple design and was fairly straight forward to draw. At this point I was using a brush to outline my work. It’s not very noticeable and I did this for the first three drawings. I actually drew illustration one twice, the first time I used masking fluid which was a big mistake. It tore a hole in the paper as it was not very high quality. This wasn’t a problem as I could just re-draw it but I did stop using masking fluid for the rest of the Illustrations.
Illustration two – Bag of Crocodile Tongues

I have already featured this drawing in one of my earlier posts. I completed one version of the Illustration and then re draw it. The newer version works much better for the book in my opinion but is not as well shaded. Despite this I think the brighter colours and extra details to the background help this illustration stand out.
Illustration three – Growing Peach

Out of the Vignettes, Illustration three is the largest. I wanted this Illustration to fit most of a page as I felt it would work best this way. I think this piece works fairly well but is quiet simple. I feel I could have added more to this one but I think it works well how it is. This is another example where I felt the colours work really well, despite there only being a few.
Illustration four – Meeting the Bugs

Despite having slightly off colours illustration four is one of my favourites. Despite being difficult to plan I enjoyed making this piece and I think the end result works well for the book. This illustration is intended to cover a full page. It’s the only one in my entire set which does this as my others fit into corners or have been made into Vignettes.
Illustration five – Runaway Peach

Illustration five is one of my least favourite of the whole set. I don’t think the colours work and the Illustration itself seems cluttered. It works with the description but it looks poorly drawn compared to the rest. I did try to fix the colours in Photoshop but I could only get them to look similar. I tried to do a corner Vignette with this one as I haven’t made one in the past. I think it works in this regard but I still find it a weak image.
Illustration six – Shark Attack

Number six is probably my favourate out of the set. I think it works particularly well and I think the colours work best on this illustration. This was also one of the earlier illustrations I attempted so the line work was mainly done by brush and ink. It's most noticeable around the big Shark’s eye but it still does not stand out from the rest of my line work.
Illustration seven – Cloud Men

This illustration turned out similar to Illustration six as they both have a rounded shape, This is also one I am fond of but not as much as six. Again I think the limited colour use works really well for these small Vignettes. The Blue colour used on the cloud men is a bit too strong, it was intended to be a wash but I went a bit overboard. I did lighten it up with some gouache but I feel it still looks a bit dark.
Illustration Eight – Empire State Building

This was a simple illustration but I think it works. It’s also one of my least favourites but this is just because it’s simple. The windows were painted afterwords with gouache which is why they appear a bit wonky. I think the red light looks interesting and it was nice to use darker colours but beyond that it’s a simple image.
Illustration Nine – The Bug's new Jobs

I have previously talked about the problems I had with this set of Vignettes but I think the finals look good together. I particularly like Ladybird and Centipede. The Grass Hopper and Earth Worm drawings are the weakest in my opinion but I still like them.

Illustration Ten – Jame's new Home

The final Illustration was an attempt to show Jame's new life. I tried to make the image appear quite relaxed and incorporate parts of the bugs into it's design. I placed Spider’s blanket under James’s arm chair, which is where Grass Hopper was sat in a previous Illustration. I also placed a small soft toy version of Silk Worm at the base of the chair. This was going to be of centipede but I thought silk worm worked better. I maybe should have included more of the bugs into the room.

On the whole I’m fairly happy with the set. There are some which I think maybe could use a bit more work or be drawn in a different way. I feel the best results were Illustrations 4, 6 and 7. I think they work the best out of the set and I had the most fun drawing them.

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